judicial branch

I added a PayPal link to my Donations page

As we continue filing new lawsuits, and prosecuting existing ones, the need grows for funds to pay filing fees, printing costs, postage and other ordinary and necessary expenses.

To make it more convenient for you to donate, I recently added a PayPal link to the Donations page of my website.

Please consider donating to our efforts to stop IRS/DoJ/Judicial fraud and to restore the Rule of Law to America. All amounts, large or small, are appreciated.

Thank you.

UPDATE for Supreme Court case #18-1402 Harold Stanley, et al v. U.S. District Court for D.C.

Today, I received notice that the Supreme Court DENIED the Petition for Writ of Certiorari for case 18-1402 Harold Stanley, et al v. U.S. District Court for D.C.

Please see my May 14, 2019 blog for the background on this case and page 3 of the Supreme Court’s June 10, 2019 Order List for confirmation of the denial of the Petition.