To My Faithful Subscribers ~ Thank you!

After I sent my last blog (Update #11), I received responses from several subscribers, which I always appreciate.

 Here are a few that I really liked:


Spot on Bob!

 I just love it that the IRS admitted they never sent you a notice of deficiency in tax court and now they have a conundrum of their own making! No NOD, no assessment. 

Did you get a copy of the assessment through FOIA? They sent my wife a copy. No signature, no delegation order, just a dollar amount due. Pathetic.

 Michael B.


Dear Bob:

Heading for the sacred Court of Appeals!

I want to follow that process for sure.

Cindy M.


Hi Bob,

Thanx for this update.

When I read this kind of deceitful government obfuscation, I get very angry.

I get so angry that all I can think of is dealing w/them the way they deserve.

The Apostle Paul says it like this:

“…and although they know…that those who practice such things are worthy of death, they not only do the same, but also give hearty approval to those who practice them.”

Right there the great Apostle Paul is telling us that this kind of public official DESERVES TO BE PUT TO DEATH.

Obviously he was talking about the ‘Jewish law’ during Jesus’ time.

But the equivalent is the same today, esp. considering that the entire tax collections scheme comes right out of “Jewish law”!

So now you know what I would like to do to them ALL.

We pray for you guys regularly.

… Chris H.


FFt mike wrote;

Bob please set up a fund raising page so patriots who are in the know can donate to your cause. 

I am friends with mark c. and I want people to financially support your efforts to stop irs tyranny. yours is an extremely worthy cause. I have a web site called and I would like to put a link where people can invest in our freedoms. people donate to all kinds of stupid sh*t. I want them to donate to things that really matter. 

 It’s like this, you can get 50 thousand people to a ball game but getting 25 people to stand up a grand jury is like pulling teeth. this is why our nation is in dire peril.  The forests are burning all around our nation's cities but we only have a hand full that recognize the peril and put on their fire-fighting gear an attempt to keep the fire from consuming the rest. We need to move money, equipment and people to the front lines or we are toast .  

 Make that happen, do it in a go fund me style approach but I would be leery of using Go Fund Me for this ongoing endeavor, I don’t feel that they are good to use for this purpose 

 Blessings Bob 


Since 2014, Michael Ellis and I have invested thousands of hours of our time to help innocent Americans defend themselves against the devastating effects of the IRS’ record falsification program, i.e., harassing letters, wage and Social Security garnishment, business and private property seizure, indictment, prosecution, conviction and imprisonment.

We do not charge anyone for our help and never will. There is no fee schedule, but we do accept voluntary donations in any amount. Remember, we are fighting government evil-doers who have unlimited resources.

During that period, we have spent approximately $50,000 on court filing fees, printing, postage, and other miscellaneous costs to prosecute 46 cases (15 in various District Courts, 17 in various Appellate Courts, and 14 in the Supreme Court). That includes the almost $2,000 it cost us in March of 2018 to travel from Texas to Washington, D.C. to appear before Judge Christopher Cooper to explain why we should not be held in contempt of court for allegedly violating the permanent, nationwide injunction he placed upon us. After a one-hour hearing, we prevailed and were not held in contempt.

In the beginning, we were self-funded, but, over the years, faithful subscribers have donated the necessary funds to keep the effort going, which we appreciate more than words can express. We are currently involved in cases in District and Appellate courts in Idaho, Florida, Texas, Rhode Island, Missouri and California.

“FFt mike” suggested that I set up a “Go Fund Me” account to receive donations. But, I did that awhile back and it has worked quite well. In fact, there are also other methods by which donors can easily, safely and anonymously send their financial support. Details are provided here.

You can tell by the vacuous statements and name-calling by the government attorneys and judges that they have no coherent defense against the IRS fraud, the evidence of which was obtained directly from the IRS’ own internal records.

I encourage each of you to spread the link to this website ( far and wide to your email contacts, websites, social media outlets, Representatives, Senators, and any other person you can think of, in order to stop the IRS from harming the life of one more innocent American.

God bless you all!

Robert A. McNeil