Passport Update #20 McNeil v US Department of State & IRS


It has been brought to my attention that I haven’t posted a blog since October of 2022. I apologize for that, but “life” took over and caused me to stray from my path and go in a different direction. NOTE: In January of 2024, I will turn 75 years old.

In December of 2022, I began to experience dizziness when rising from a sitting position to standing. This also happened when I turned around too quickly while standing or walking. As a result, I suffered many falls in December, extending into January of 2023. Although I hit my head, back and tailbone on walls, floors and a large mirror (shattering it), fortunately, I was not injured.

Just to be sure, though, I went to the nearest VA medical center and had a full-body MRI performed. I was especially concerned about having brain-bleeds (there were none) and any damage to my lower back, where I had surgery in 2009 (there was none).

Nevertheless, my two daughters convinced me to leave my apartment and move to a safer place. So, in mid-January, I moved to a nearby retirement home and I love it. The staff is great and, although I’m younger than most residents (who are in their 80s and 90s), I have made some wonderful friends. So, all is well now.


My new rent is quite expensive, so, once I was settled in my new apartment, I set about the task of negotiating the elimination of the IRS’ $1,250.00 garnishment of my monthly Social Security payments. After my letters were ignored, I decided to call and see if I could talk to a live human being. After talking to several employees, I learned that liens and levies were handled in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. I called that number (833-282-7220) and, surprisingly, talked to a woman who was very nice and helpful.

My goal was to have the garnishment reduced to zero, but the most she would allow was to reduce the $1,250.00 down to $232.00 per month. So, I agreed.

While I continue to assert that the amount I allegedly owe (approximately $300,000) was based on computer fraud, it is clear from the many lawsuits Michael Ellis and I have filed since 2014 that no court in America will allow an unbiased review of the facts and evidence.

Once that agreement was in place, I received a letter from the State Department stating that the hold on my passport renewal had been lifted. My application for renewal is now in process.

In short, this nightmare has ended and, as much as one can be as long as the income tax is in effect, I am a free man.